Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hobby Progress #2 - Biovores + Patriarch Ghosar

This week I'm out of town attending a seminar, but I planned ahead and brought the Deathwatch:Overkill box with me as well as a couple of Biovores and a Pyrovore to finish painting.

The Deathwatch miniatures look awesome and I look forward to getting them painted and on the table top some time soon.

The Biovore miniatures on the other hand I am not too fond of, especially considering their hefty price tag and resin construction. I am however a big fan of the Biovores' rules and wanted to get these bad boys painted ASAP since I intend to field them in a good portion of my upcoming games.

Here are a couple of bases for the Biovores - which one do you like better?

Biovore is done. I was a little heavy-handed on the blue carapace feathering. May tone it down for the next batch.

The Pyrovore model is much nicer than the Biovores in my opinion.

Patriarch Ghosar from the Genestealer Cult in Deathwatch: Overkill

Ghosar compared to Broodlord from Shield of Baal boxed set. Both are fantastic models.

White Scars Deathwatch biker. That bird is pretty damn cool. Hopefully it doesn't break off.

So there you have it. A few more models in the books (just have to add some tufts of grass to the Biovore bases). With quite the backlog of models in my painting queue, I'll probably prioritize 2 Malanthropes or Carnifexes next. The Genestealer Cult will likely follow.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta say that I like the base on the left better. Dang that Ghosar model is way too similar to the cryptus model for me! Otherwise a pretty sweet sculpt. The real star of the show: That white scar model on the bike. Best bike GW has ever released!!
